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About Salmagundi Trading Company

You’re probably wondering where the name Salmagundi comes from, and I'd love to tell you! 

Salmagundi is a mix of things not usually placed together. And a fitting way to describe this shop’s eclectic collection of treasures. Here you’ll find goodies from the turn of the century to the 1990s, sourced from all over the world. 

But I chose the name though because of my Dad. He worked at and eventually took over an antique shop on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in 60s. It was called - you got it - Salmagundi. By the time I came into the picture, the shop was long gone and my dad had transitioned into wood refinishing for homes. But the memories of the shop snuck into everyday life and the word became a fixture in our home. My dad taught me to cherish and appreciate antiques, so it was an obvious choice to name my shop after his. 

As a lifelong collector, I love to learn the history of each piece I find. I work to accurately research each item in my shop and make sure everything I sell has been cleaned and maintained.

Thanks for stopping by - don’t hesitate to say hello! 

Corey Jane 


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